Simple Present Tense Formula

subject + main verb + object

Simple Present Tense Rules

Please note that there are no changes made to the actual verb form while using the Simple Present Tense except when a third person is being talked about, in which case suffix – s or -es are added to the verb. For example go through the following sentences-
  • I listen to music daily.
  • I eat burger every day.
  • They get bonus every year.
  • Every day they go for a walk after dinner.
  • He goes to the gym every morning.
  • Rony listens to music every day.
  • Sally visits her parents on weekends.
The first four sentences state an incident which is occurring regularly and there is no change in the actual form of the verb. i.e. listen, eat, get and go remained in their original forms. In the next three sentences since a third person is being talked about; therefore, the verb is suffixed with -s or -es i.e. goes, listens and visits.
For your better understanding, here we have explained Simple Present Tense under following categories:

a) Positive Sentences

The structure/formula of a Simple Present Positive Sentence is – subject + main verb + object.
Rules for making Positive Sentences in Simple Present Tense:
If the subject is a singular noun i.e. it, he or she, then the verb is suffixed by –s or –es. In case of plural nouns there is no change in the actual form of the verb. For example consider the below given sentences-
  • She listens to the lectures carefully.
  • I listen to the lectures carefully.
  • He goes to the market every day.
  • They go to the cinema every weekend.
  • The child loves noodles.
  • The children love noodles
b) Negative Sentence
The structure of a Simple Present Negative Sentence is – subject + do not/does not + main verb.
Rules for making Negative Sentences in Simple Present Tense:
If the subject is a singular noun or pronoun like – it, he, she then ‘does not’ is used and if the subjects are - they, we, I, you or a plural noun then ‘do not’ is used for the negative sentences.
Read the below given sentences for example-
  • It does not change color.
  • He does not drink milk.
  • She does not like to swim.
  • Cat does not like water.
  • They do not believe in religion.
  • We do not go to the canteen.
  • I do not like milk.
  • You do not go to the market.
  • Elephants do not like loud noise.

c) Negative-Interrogative Sentences in Simple Present Form

Negative sentences can also be converted into Negative Interrogative sentences by adding ‘question words’ before the subject.

(question words + subject + do not/does not + main verb). For Example consider the following sentences-
  • Why it does not change color?
  • Why he does not drink milk?
  • Why she does not like to swim?
  • Why the cat does not like water?
  • Why they do not believe in religion?
  • Why we do not go to the canteen?
  • Why I do not like milk?
  • Why you do not go to the market?
  • Why Elephants do not like loud noise?

d) Interrogative Sentences

The basic structure of Simple Present Interrogative Sentences is- Do/Does + subject + verb + object OR question words + Do/Does + subject + verb + object.
Rules for making Interrogative Sentences in Simple Present Tense:
If the subject is –it, he , she, or a singular noun then ‘does’ is used and if the subject is we, they, I, you or a plural noun then ‘do’ is used. Interrogative sentences start with Do/Does or question words. For example consider the below given sentences-
  • Does it belong to him?
  • Does she like the speech?
  • Why does cat like rain?
  • Do we have some chocolates?
  • Why do they like music?
  • Do I owe you any money?
  • Do you like to have dinner?
  • Do cats love water?

e) Interrogative-Negative Sentences in Simple Present form:

Interrogative sentences can be converted into a combination of Interrogative and Negative sentences by adding ‘not’ between the subject and the verb. For Example-
  • Does it not belong to him?
  • Does she not like the speech?
  • Does the cat not like rain?
  • Do we not have some chocolates?
  • Do they not like music?
  • Do I not owe you any money?
  • Do you not like to have dinner?
  • Do cats not love water?

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